Friday 13 July 2012

Victoria Mill Boiler House Burnley

1 comment:

  1. I was walking past Victoria Mill whne I could see the Archorolgy were looking at an older Victoria Mill , The Mill we see today dates from 1856. This Mill has had two supply of heat. A boiler can last for about 20 years but the early boiler were world known for blowing up and expoloding. But the second boiler was a new safe boiler that would last for many years. There are a very mark making poblems. The local Burnley map show no Mill in the 1843 0r 1854 map the Mill we see today has been there from 1856 all that is shown on the map's is a green space. Something is not added up . Tha Lancashire Boiler date from 1844 so even the Mill had one of the first boiler the first boiler would have to be at least 5 years older if we say the boier were not that good but the mill is not on the old maps so this the question when was this boiler house put in ?
